Student orientation staff makes sure incoming UCA freshman start semester off right
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CONWAY, Ark. — University of Central Arkansas students and volunteers worked to make sure the incoming class has a smooth transition from home to college.
There are 3,500 students total living on campus this year, but freshmen didn’t have the burden of moving in all their things.
“We are moving in all the freshmen that are here today,” Student Orientation Leader Lane Davis said.
Over a thousand students and volunteers welcomed the freshman and made sure they got settled in for move-in day.
“We’ll get everything unloaded, take it up to the room for them so they and their family members just sit in the car and relax, and we’ll take everything upstairs for them and they don’t even have to worry about it,” Davis said.
“It was ridiculously nice to just be able to drive up and have everyone grab my stuff and have it be taken up. That was really awesome and considerate,” Freshman Jon Rowe said.
They’re all looking forward to the upcoming school year.
“I’m excited for the adult experience of being able to make a lot of my own choices,” Rowe said.
It’s also a chance to meet new faces.
“Seeing the freshmen really come out of their shell a little bit once mom and dad are away, they really start to show their true personality and really who they are,” Student Orientation Leader Landon Koch said.
The end of one school year means planning for the next.
“As far as move-in week and Welcome Day, we spend weeks planning. I mean, I found out I was going to be a team leader 9 months ago,” Koch said.
UCA President Houston Davis said it takes the community of Conway to make it happen.
“It’s a testament that we have all these volunteers. These are a thousand of our current students and community members, and they know what a great first year these students have in front of them,” Davis said.
Welcome Week will continue tomorrow with the Bear Den Greek Stroll Off Monday.
The first day of classes for students is August 22nd.
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